Elvis Presley & Bruce Lee


"Long Lost Elvis and Bruce Lee Films"

The New Gladiators film was found in the back of a 1963 GMC pick-up truck.

Also found in the garage was a 40 minute demonstration film in which Elvis Presley does a complete demo of Kenpo Karate.

This is the only known footage of Elvis doing karate in the world!

Elvis - 8th Degree Black Belt

"This rare film was found"

A pristine 16mm film never before seen of Bruce Lee performing at the 1967 Long Beach International Karate Championships.

Bob Wall ("Ohara" in Enter The Dragon) says this is the absolute best footage of Bruce Lee he has ever seen actually doing Jeet Kune Do.

The color film was professionally shot and was preserved in mint condition.

Both of the Elvis Presley and the Bruce Lee films are locked up in a safe spot awaiting future projects.

The New Gladiators

Truth About Elvis

The Real Elvis

Elvis in Texas

Elvis Gospel

Elvis and Elvis Presley are Registered Trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc.