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Jonathan Beer lost 110 pounds!

All my life the doctors told me I was grossly obese and suffering from diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure. I could never find clothes to fit me and the other kids made fun of me. I tried every diet but would always gain the weight back. I really felt I was going to be fat all of my life.

My longtime friend, Brother Dan asked me to please try the Herbalife Program. He was so persistent that this program would work, I decided to try it and immediately started losing weight and feeling better.

When I went in for my doctor's appointment, the doctors told me that all my tests had improved.

The support I received from Brother Dan and other people on the products, helped me stay on the program. Which allowed me to continue with the success I had never achieved on any other weight loss products.

My beginning weight was 390 lbs and after Herbalife I weighted in at 280 lbs! Herbalife is not just a program but also a way of life.

I want to tell everyone to try the Herbalife products and achieve the success that I have had!


*The weight-loss testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted, and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical.


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